The Importance of Sound Design and Mixing in TV Commercials: A Case Study with Sally Hansen.

When it comes to TV commercials, sound design, and mixing are crucial elements that can make or break the impact of the advertisement.

Full English had the pleasure of working on this commercial for Sally Hansen that effectively showcased their brands.

But why are sound design and mixing so important in TV commercials? Firstly, they help to create a memorable and engaging experience for the viewer. A well-crafted soundscape can evoke emotions and feelings that are aligned with the brand's message and values.

Additionally, sound design and mixing can help to communicate important information about the product. By emphasizing certain sounds or using specific music, we can draw attention to the product's unique features or benefits.

Our team at Full English Post is proud to have worked with Sally Hansen to create a successful and impactful commercial. If you're looking to create a TV advertisement that truly stands out, consider investing in quality sound design and mixing to take your commercial to the next level.


Behind the Scenes: Creating Immersive Audio for Pete & Gerry's Commercial in Collaboration with FIG creative agency.


Revlon Commercial Sound Design and Mixing: A Look Behind the Scenes.